Anny Huynh

Seattle, WA (206) 696-6586

Software Engineer with a passion for creating solutions that make people’s lives easier, and that connect people together. I love using my creativities and skills to design websites. I also love the mental challenge that programming presents, and I appreciate how an idea is transformed into reality. I strive to produce high-quality products with an eye for design and functionality that has real business impact. Looking to join a team that aims to shipping readable, scalable, fully tested-code every day.


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, ES6+, React.js, Salesforce Lightning Web Designs System, Salesforce Lightning Web Component, Bryntum Grid
  • Backend: Node.js/Express, Firebase, local Storage, Session Storage, MySQL, MongoDB
  • Tools: github, heroku
  • UI Frameworks: Bootstrap
  • Unit Testing with Jest, Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Aria Accessibility on components
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • UX Designs


Movies of All Time

Search for Movies App

This app helps users search for movies based on decade, genres, or titles. Users can also find all movies that are currently playing at nearby cinemas.

This was a four-members-team project from my time at the UW MERN program, and my responsibility in this project was to handle the data fetching and display for the movies via a third-party API. I used HTML, CSS, Bootstrap to create a nice and clean page where the movie information is displayed.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, API, and Git.

API Used: ;

Check out the Project || Check out the Code.


Search for a Studying Group

This app helps students in our school find other students to study with automatically matching on schedules, studying topics, locations, languages, and more.

This was a four-members-team project from my time at the UW MERN program, and my responsibility in this project was to create a User Login and Registration features. I used Passport and Sequelize to create the user authorization. I helped lead on designing for the frontend, using Handlebars to create the page template, CSS and Bootstrap for stylings, and JavaScript to improve the user experience on the app.

Technologies Used: Handlebars, Express, Nodejs, MySQL, Sequelize, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, authentication-strategy, passport-js,Heroku, and Git.

Check out the Project || Check out the Code.


Clicking on Unique images

I always love to create something fun and practical. This game helps people to have fun, relax, and also practice their memorization skills.

Users simply click on any of the pictures to earn a point, but do not click on the same picture twice. Each time a picture is clicked, positions of the pictures will be shuffled.

I used React.js to create the fun UI and functionality on this app.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, React.js, Bootstrap, Heroku, and Git.

Check out the Project || Check out the Code.


Test Your Knowlege About Dog

You will have 60 seconds to complete 10 questions about dog. Click "Start" button to get started. When you click "Start" button, the timer will start count down. Click "Submit" button at the bottom of the page after you're done. If the timer is at 0 second, your time is out and you answers will be submited automatically. The result page will shows your results after you click "Submit" or after the time is out. Click "Reset" button to restart the game.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and Git.

Check out the Project || Check out the Code.

Check Out More of My Projects on: Portfolio Page


Software Engineer

  • Partners with Product Managers and Product experts to help prioritize the product backlog.
  • Create components using Salesforce's Lightning Designs System
  • Designs and develops complex software functions comprised of multiple features following FinancialForce's framework of standards and practices.
  • Extensive use of multiple technologies, design and testing approaches.
  • Considers functional requirements and designs effective testing strategies for unit and system tests.
January 2020 - Present

Full Stack Web Developer - Side Projects


Build full-stack applications from front-end web to back-end.

  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, ReactJS, or Bootstrap.
  • Backend: MySQL, Firebase, or MongoDB for the back-end.
  • Taking Online Courses:
    Princeton University: Data Structures and Algorithms.
Find out about my programming experiences under my 'Portfolio' section, or by clicking on: Portfolio Page

Medium Writter: Writing articles about programming Knowlege to share with the community. Please check out my blog at: Anny's Blog

September 2019 - December 2019

SharePoint Content Developer/Cost Accountant

The Odom Corporation
  • Collaborated with team members and managers of all teams within the company, working with the teams to recommend and decide on what content each team want for their site.
  • The site contents included: lists of team members, contacts, team tasks, documents, reports, operation transactions, events, articles, calendars, and more.
  • After discussing with each team, I processed the inputs and the contents, and designed the SharePoint site for each of the 8 teams, from the financial analysis teams to the IT department.
  • After the sites were created, I met with each team leader to go over the site and verify that the sites would meet their team’s needs, and that they were satisfied with the design. I set up security and did security testing for each site (who should have access to the site and who shouldn’t).
  • After testing the site, I notified stakeholders of the planned migration dates per site, and when the sites will be published and accessible.
  • Handled cost accounting tasks: coded invoices, prepared freight rate analysis, recommended solutions to save money on freight. I completed many analyses, and derived solutions that helped the company save lots of money on freight (estimated saving average of more than $100,000 a year on freight expenses).
June 2017 - September 2019


Investor Capital Group, LLC
  • With strong knowledge and experiences in banking, I handled with many tasks involving with reconciling travel program credit cards, and researching on banking transactions when there were issues.
  • Review and process expense reports.
  • Review financial statements, prepare audit documentations, research and answer questions from auditors during auditing periods.
  • Research, track, and resolve accounting problems.
June 2015 - June 2017


Princeton University

Software Engineer

Online Courses: Data Structures and Algorithms

September 2019 - Present

University of Washington

Full Stack Web Development Certification

GPA: 4.0

September 2018 - April 2019

Central Washington University

Bachelors of Arts in Accounting

GPA: 3.78

September 2012 - July 2014


Apart from being a Software Engineer, I enjoy traveling and learning new cultures. When I travel, I can learn a lots about different cultures and explore different kind of foods. Moreover, I enjoy spending time with my beagle dog, Kiwi. I love animal and I believe all animal deserve love and care.

For future projects, I'm planning to create a websites that stores all my traveling memories. Also, I want to create another website that stores all animal abuse stories including dog meat festival in asia, and animal testing in US. I want to raise awareness to people that there are horible things happening to animal out there, and animal also have feeling just like human. They need love, kindness, and help from us.


"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." -@ OPRAH WINFREY

"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice." -@ BRIAN HERBETT

Awards & Certifications

  • Full-stack Web Developer Certification - University of Washington
  • JavaScript Certification - Free Code Camp
  • Frontend Web Development Certification - Udemy
  • Learn React Certification - Scrimba
  • Bachelors Degree in Accounting - Central Washington University
  • Business Management - South Seattle Community College
  • Fundamental of UX Designs - School of Visual Concepts
